Fried Rice : How to make a good fried rice with less than 500 Naira

I used to think fried rice was meant for special occasions even till now. Maybe it is. Well, you can make and eat fried rice anytime and any day with just shikini money. Here is how.. Preparation time : 40 minutes to 1hour depending on how hungry you are *winks* Ingredients : Rice Vegetable oil Mackerel fish = #200 Carrots =#50 Green beans = #50 Green pepper = #50 Pepper (I used the normal red one) = #50 Onion Fresh garlic Fresh ginger Seasonings (I bought these particular ones in the market for #50 each and they were good.. Nutmeg, thyme, ginger and shallots ) Maggi (I used Knorr) Salt **** for those things I did not put a price tag on, I had them already and used. **** Practically, I used 400 naira to make this fried rice... Awesome right? See it doesn't matter how much you use in making your food despite not having all the ingredients needed but the love with which you used in cooking it is all that matters. How to prepare food:...