The Woes Of A Breast-Full Lady

Pinterest. Com As I got the chinkili alert yesterday, i started looking at my wardrobe and scanning through my mind for something I needed ........A-ha! I needed a bra. At least it was better than using it to buy cream crackers. At mid afternoon,I stepped out of the house, heading for the market with my head held up high and straight, looking for a good bra merchant. I personally do not buy second hand underwears ,so I opted for my ready made ones better called, The Aba Made Bras. After walking round the market for an hour and some deadly minutes without any success,nearly cursing my fortune for giving me big breast and small waist,i resolved that the woman I saw ahead with an undies merchandise would be my last.... The rain I saw coming was not funny, so I approached her and the following conversation took place. Me : Good even ma,please I need a bra Lady : good even nwayioma,which size? Me : ...