A Letter to My Blog

Dear Blog, Sometimes I forget I have to grow followership and content for you. And you know what.. It's not been easy at all. For the first time I got to admit it, owning a blog is no piece of cake. It requires consistency, hard work, diligence and creativity. Sometimes I even doubt I am creative enough to run you. I look at other blogs and then I go.. . Damn, they've got a lot of sauce, I mean hot sauce. Besides I doubt if anyone reads you as I get just few amount of views.. . You are like a diary, which I don't mind tho. I wish I could get help, get a new look for you but what do I know, I am just a new blogger and novice at that with little cash to dispense with. I wish, I wish I could do better. Phew!! I feel like screaming. Can I get any better? I do think affirmative Would the good content come? Yes, things just have a way of getting better, I am so positive. Would you give up? Hell no Well, blog baby I have done eno...